1979年西班牙电影《妈妈一百岁》主要讲的是:Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion, she finds that Jose died three years ago; Juan left his wife Luchy; Fernando is still living with his mother and unsuccessfully trying to fly a hang glider; and the three little girls are grown-up. Further, she discovers that the dysfunctional family is completely broken, and Luchy in embezzling mother's money. When Juan arriv对于那个八九十年代那个物质并不富裕 中国人均gdp只有美国日本百分之一的年代来说为了应试而学习才是拯救人生最好的出路 对于寒门子弟来说甚至是唯一的出路……而即便放到现在阶级固化愈发严重的今天 素质教育依然是个伪命题高考是小县城 小山村的孩子们突破阶层的最好方式 这是一个很矛盾的问题 现行高考制度是对寒门子弟最公平的高考制度 但它却是很毁灭独立思考的制度??♂️这个矛盾可能只有等到我国全面步入发达社会才有可能解决吧es for the celebration, he plots with Fernando and Luchy to kill the mother to get the inheritance. Meanwhile, Antonio has a brief affair with Natalia