2013年印度电影《立地成魔》主要讲的是:John Day is a bank manager and lives with his wife Maria Day. The couple has recently lost their only daughter. Maria is always depressed and never opens up with anyone. One day when Jo但实际作者在片中和末尾都提示着观众,里斯本一家所在的社区邻居们非富即贵,而Lisbon只是普通的中学教师,五姐妹们在学校可能就会因家庭出身遭到同学的排挤,而回到家还要接受父母时刻的监督,并没有机会结交同年龄段的朋友hn is away for office work, a courier-boy enters the house and takes Maria as a captive, then a series of misfortunes start to happen.