2013年大陆国产剧《小爸爸》主要讲的是:在某汽修厂悠哉游哉过着舒服生活的于果(文章饰),突然"I stood alone and watched you go my crying voice was out of range and as I stood with none beside me I felt the seasons in me change and a part of me has lost my mother and a part of me has lost a child and part of me will rise from my roots at least not for a little while I think of you when I walk this city and I'll hold you more than time to time and even though it's such a pity Can't make myself just leave these behind" 少女情怀总是诗 或此成长或彼安息记 清新而宁静 最终太完满了 有点无福消受 唉/2星半被从天而降的儿子夏天(朱佳煜饰)搞得晕头转向原来当年他和好哥们齐大胜(刘欢饰)去美国交流,与作为地陪的斯坦福高才生夏小白(尹航饰)共谱了一段短暂的恋情。此去经年,小白车祸身亡,夏天从妈妈遗物中得知于果的信息,于是自作主张来北京找爸爸。原以为签名断绝关系就能了事,谁知小白的哥哥(王耀庆饰)决定暂时将外甥留在于果身边。在此期间,他跟女友的关系越搞越僵,还被迫和之前吵过架的空港值机员李三妹(马伊琍饰)惹出无数的纠缠。夏天的到来,改变了于果既定的人生路,也让他和周围人的生活悄悄发生了变化……