2016年墨西哥,法国电影《盒子是空的》主要讲的是:Jazmín, a young woman living in Mexico City, is nonplussed when sh结尾死亡想象的出色呈现给影片画上圆满句号,安娜拿来奶奶的招魂鼓一边敲击一边学狗叫,在空旷和沉寂的死亡谷里白衣男孩向维科的灵魂招手引路,维科最终被强大的生命力换回人世,萨满教的神力挽救了布谷鸟(主角们的名字)互相残杀的战争命运e receives a call informing her that her father Toussaint, an illegal Haitian immigrant, is ill. She hasn't seen him in years, and does not know why they are calling her. When she finally gets to the hospital and discovers that her father is suffering from vascular dementia, she finds herself faced with the task ..